Most business leaders have no idea how much influence they (and highly-paid key lieutenants) really have within their business. Thankfully, it’s now possible to give leaders a clear set of ‘influence metrics’ based on the quality and quantity of their digital interactions with colleagues within Yapster. 

Yapster’s Head of Business Insights, Clare McCotter, has developed an algorithm (which we playfully called the “McCotter Index” internally) which combines multiple influence metrics to arrive at a single “influence score” between 0 and 1 for each Social Leader user on our platform. For the first time, we’re now able to identify and celebrate the most effective Social Leaders across the entire Yapster customer community. 

Based on what we can see in the data, we increasingly believe that our highest ranking Social Leaders - provided they have the right strategy and have hired the right colleagues - will out-compete their market rivals going forward, through greater strategic alignment and inspiration of frontline workforces.


Reminder - what is Social Leadership?

Social Leadership is the practice of influencing people at work using digital tools. For multi-site leaders, it is now an essential technique for success. How else are you supposed to align and inspire hundreds or even thousands of frontline colleagues, who’ll rarely ever get to meet you in person?

Relying solely on word of mouth and cascade briefings down the ranks is such a pre-COVID approach to organisational leadership!


How is Social Leader influence calculated?

Social Leadership is delivered through five primary activities, performed within a Social Leadership platform such as Yapster:

  • Broadcasting - video and picture posts to the whole company

  • Reacting - “liking” colleagues content when it aligns with your strategy or values

  • Commenting - actively writing thoughts and feedback on colleagues’ content

  • Group messaging - directly communicating with whole location or role groups

  • Private messaging - directly communicating with individual colleagues

By way of example, here is a summary of Neil Sebba’s, MD of Tossed, Social Leadership data footprint over recent months (thank you Neil for sharing):

Neil Sebba - Tossed MD - social influence

Neil, thanks to his healthily balanced mix of activity across broadcasting, commenting and direct messaging, has an influence score of .707 at time of writing (which puts him in our top 10 globally).

How do the top ranking Social Leaders use Yapster?

We recently hosted a digital round table to introduce several of the top ranking Social Leaders on the Yapster platform to each other.

  • From Bartlett Mitchell - Wendy Bartlett (exec Chairperson) and Murray Soper

  • From Gusto - Tim Selby (Ops Director) and Anne-Marie Sarantis (HR Director)

  • From Maray - James Bates (Founder Director)

  • From Tossed - Neil Sebba (MD) and Emily Grenville (Head of People)


Stay tuned for follow up blogs and videos, in which we’ll share this group’s top tips for broadcasting, commenting and direct messaging.


Calls, Texts, Yaps, Teams/Yammer, Email - how many channels is too many?


Social Leadership and Sales Targets